Atomic Orchard is a 40,000 SF, mixed-use new construction building, with retail spaces on the ground floor along NE Sandy and 49 residential apartments on the rear and floors above. All of the units are multi-story, except for the singe ADA unit on the ground floor.  The building is a two large blocks slightly skewed into a chevron creating a deeper public space along Sandy as well as creating a dumbbell effect with the skybridges connecting the two masses on the 3rd and 5th floors. The units are accessed on levels 1, 3 and 5 with lofted bedrooms and bathrooms accessible from a spiral stair within the units on levels 2, 4 and 6 reaching over the open air corridors on the upper floors.

Atomic Orchard is an affordable housing experiment

60% of the apartments will be offered at market rate
20% of the apartments are affordable at 80% of mean income
20% of the apartments are greatly reduced at “less than affordable” income standards

The progressive minds at Guerrilla Development have decided that the discounted units will be marketed exclusively to teachers and social workers, as a way of giving back to individuals whose income bracket does not reflect how actively they are involved with enriching and shaping the city of Portland.